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Are Your Days Dragging?

Ever seem to run out of steam as you near the end of your work day? Wouldn’t it be great if you could end the day feeling as energized as you do at the beginning? You’re certainly not alone, and it’s good to know that there are some pretty simple things you can do to combat the problem.

In the short run, a solution to “hitting the wall” could be as simple as just taking a quick five-minute walk around the office, up and down a stairwell, or around the outside of your building. The change of scenery, coupled with the physical exercise, will pump up the oxygen flow to the brain and drive some of your perceived tiredness away.

Even better, if you can add music to your walk (something upbeat, perhaps), you’ll likely feel even more energized for the rest of your day. If you aren’t taking a walk, music can still help you overcome the inertia that tends to close in on you late in the day. Make sure it’s not distracting to the people around you or that it inhibits your ability to focus on the tasks at hand.

Other short-term steps you can take to re-build your energy level include making certain your work area has enough light (low light levels do tend to make you feel sluggish), use aromatherapy to stimulate your senses (for example, studies have reported that the scent of lime can make people more alert, attentive, cheerful, and vigorous[1]) , and perhaps most importantly, ensure that your body is adequately hydrated (a refreshing glass of water can really pep you up!).

Longer-term ways to address the problem of workday fatigue are more holistic or lifestyle-oriented. For example, maintaining a high-quality diet (avoiding high fat, sugar, salt, and artificial ingredients) and following a regimen of physical exercise can help you keep yourself in shape and avoid those midday energy losses. Keeping yourself mentally fine-tuned outside of the workplace, with intellectually challenging hobbies, can also help you rise above the tendency to bog down.

If none of these short or long-term steps help you with repetitive energy dips, it’s a good idea to seek advice from a medical practitioner. The root cause may be something more serious that requires attention.


[1] Source:

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